WS150 Superaxe Wood Splitter



4 Hour Hire: $180

Day Hire: $220

Week Hire: $880

*All prices include GST


Weight: 450kg

Height: 1700mm

Width: 1450mm

Length: 2400mm


The WS150 Superaxe Wood Splitter, available for rent from TAG Hire, is a robust and versatile wood splitting machine. Designed and manufactured in Australia, it features a patented sliding blade with an innovative wedge design, capable of effortlessly splitting the toughest Australian hardwood. With a 9hp engine delivering an impressive 21 tons of splitting power and an 8-second cycle time, the WS150 is ideal for domestic, farm, hire, and semi-commercial operations. Its double-handed control system ensures ease of use, quick cycle times, and unmatched safety. Contact TAG Hire today to rent this powerful and reliable wood splitter.